YHSA(Asia) strives to provide a fair and encouraging environment for all participants. There is no restriction on nationality and ethnicity for participation. However, participants must be currently enrolled secondary school students in Hong Kong or the Asian region outside Mainland China*.
Research reports that have been submitted concurrently with other competitions will NOT be accepted by YHSA(Asia). However, submission in the past, if declared as such in the research report, will be allowed. Concurrent submission or past submission without declaration, if found, will be subject to disqualification.
Excessive reference to existing journals is NOT accepted, if found, will be subject to disqualification. For teams who submit more than 1 subject category, they have to ensure their research reports are not similar.
Any commercial interaction is absolutely forbidden during the entire project cycle. Once found, will be subject to disqualification. Each team should only seek supervision from their supervisor who works in schools or colleges.
* Registration from other regions will be considered on a discretionary basis. Students from USA shall join YHSA(USA) while students from Mainland China shall join YHSA(Mainland).